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2019 $10,000 Grand Prize Recipients: The Koski Family
Cinema Cafe
Commonwealth's Attorney Nancy Parr
Dr.Rebecca C.W. Adams
Jo-Kell, Inc.
Lawrence Pharmacy
Lucky Homes
Mad Science of Hampton Roads
Mythics, Inc.
R.D. Lambert & Son. Inc.
South Norfolk Jordan Bridge
The Little Gym
Triple R Ranch
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Woods Financial

You don't need to be present to win!

For 15 years, CHIP has raised much-needed funds through our signature event, The Hampton Roads Duck Race. This event has become a favorite tradition of both young and old in Hampton Roads. Held annually in April, thousands of community members purchase their duck to compete in the big race with hopes of winning fantastic prizes, especially the $10,000 grand prize!
Over 2,500 people come out to enjoy this family friendly event that features music, food trucks, children’s games and even story telling by local celebrities.
Join us for a ducky day!
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